
About iCare Community Support

iCare Community Services is established as a social foundation of IApparel International Group that gives back to society. More than being just the company's corporate social responsibility arm, iCare focuses on and takes multi-pronged actions that help the community at large. Our philanthropic and charitable endeavours care for the individual, their community and the environment.


Inspire compassion and the common good for society, action for humanity, responsible stewardship, and empathetic service.


A globally competitive community with inclusive access to human rights.

iCare Community Services

iCare Programs.

With a strong focus on education, healthcare, charity, and volunteering drives, iCare aims to uplift and transform the community into future-ready individuals as productive contributors within an interdependent society.


iCare Learning Center

We offer free Literacy classes, Computer classes, and Math classes which are supported by some government and non-government organisations including UNESCO, Sipar, Ministry of Education, and Cambodian Women for Peace and Development (CPWD). The iCare Library organises book fairs to encourage our people to borrow, learn and increase their knowledge from books.


I Care 24hour Health Hub

The iCare Health Hub was opened on December 5, 2022. With our team of in-house healthcare professionals, this healthcare centre provides free consultations and professional health & wellness counselling to all our employees. It also has an inpatient facility to cater to emergency healthcare needs 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Far-reaching Outreach

iCare Social Service Programs

We constantly look for and create opportunities for our social care services to reach further scope. For example, iCare chooses various minority groups as beneficiaries for its annual charity events, such as food and donation drives.

Driving Action for Humanity

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    Think of specific ways to give back to the community.

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    From budget to project scope, iCare follows an actionable plan to fulfil its mission to help.

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    With all plans laid out, ACTION!

Mending the Past.

Weaving the Future.

iCare iterates that it's not education and intelligence that enslaves people to oppression and the denial of their rights. Ignorance is. Education is the key to liberation, an eye-opener to social, moral, and environmental consciousness, and the door to better economic opportunities. It's time we close the chapter on past history and move on to a new chapter as we confidently weave the future through positive actions that uplift the community.




We’re always looking for the next opportunity to create a lasting and beneficial impact in our society.

Action for Public Health

Our commitment to our vision of a healthy and thriving community moves us to act fast to assist in a public health crisis. When the Covid-19 pandemic broke out in 2020, we donated over 500,000 iCare masks to employees and their families, as well as several Cambodian government organisations. As soon as vaccines became available, we provided free vaccinations to our employees, too.

Food Drive

We envision a world without hunger, and our food drives are one of the ways we advocate this vision. Through food drives, we support the nourishment of our community and especially its children.

Donation for Renovation

We wholeheartedly respect each other's beliefs even when we are called upon to help with temple reconstruction. I Apparel donated to fix the San Tai Zi temple that had declined due to its old age.

Creating a Safe Home for Children

A safe home is a non-negotiable need for every child. iCare's charity drives support the funding for the construction of orphanage facilities and donation of food items for the children living there.

Championing Quality Education

iCare aims to play a vital role in shaping the future of our young children by advocating the right to education. We champion this by providing financial support to our chosen beneficiaries' construction of school facilities such as classrooms, school canteen, and library.

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